A Futuristic Experience of LGBTQ+ Mentorship

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Mosaic is an innovative, online platform designed to revolutionize the way LGBTQ+ leaders connect, learn, and grow. It is a zero-cost, futuristic experience of LGBTQ+ mentorship to support our network’s professional growth.

We’ve moved beyond the traditional 1:1 mentorship model to offer a community-driven space where mentors and mentees from all professional backgrounds can interact in a dynamic forum through topic channels ranging from financial literacy to digital marketing to personal growth.

Our members foster professional and personal development by asking questions, by hosting online workshops, and by sharing unique opportunities, experiences, insights, and resources.

How to become part of the bigger picture?

Step 1 – Join our server on Discord & create your profile

Step 2 – Discover new channels & connect with our ever-growing community of mentors and mentees

Step 3 – Ask questions, lead discussions, & attend workshops/special events

Step 4– Grow your network, impact, & success!

Be sure to follow us on Instagram next and grow your network even more!